Ailsa Wild

Story Tools Creator Alisa Wild, two images side by side, spliced together by double lines in a comic book style

Ailsa Wild is an acrobat and whip-cracker who ran away from the circus to become a writer. She is now an author, performer and community artist. Her most recent book, You’ll be a Wonderful Dad: advice on becoming the best father you can be is a kind and practical guide to fatherhood based on a letter Ailsa wrote to one of her dear friends when he was about to become a father.

Ailsa has written two junior fiction series: Squishy Taylor and The Naughtiest Pixie. She is the lead writer of Small Friends Books where she works with scientists to translate complex science into compelling illustrated narrative picture books. Of these Zobi and the Zoox: A Story of Coral Bleaching was the first ever children’s book to win the Royal Zoological Society of NSW Whitely Medal.

Ailsa lives in Melbourne with her partner, her son and two little fish.

Ailsa's Books

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